Ultra-Violet Irradiation (UVGI)
Ultraviolet Solutions
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
UV-A — the most abundant in sunlight; responsible for skin tanning and wrinkles
UV-B — primarily responsible for skin reddening and skin cancer; also used for medical treatments
UV-C — naturally blocked by the earth’s ozone layer and is the germicidal wavelength
Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) is the use of ultraviolet (UV) energy to kill or inactivate microbes (viral, bacterial and fungal species).
UV energy attacks the DNA of a living cell, penetrating the cell membrane, breaking the DNA structure of the micro-organism, inhibiting reproduction. UVC is effective in destroying biological contaminants and odors such as mold, bacteria and viruses. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends this method for destroying viruses such as tuberculosis.
The sun delivers specific UV wavelengths that destroy and deactivate chemical contaminants that are introduced into the atmosphere. Our UV lamp produces the same UV wavelength the sun produces. UVC (Germicidal 254nm) and UVV (Oxidizing 187nm) are produced using quartz glass.

UVV (Vacuum UV) is used for oxidization; this is the portion of the lamp that destroys chemicals and odours, such as cigarette smoke, VOC’s, diesel fumes, formaldehyde,
amongst others. Both UV wavelengths work together to destroy thousands of biological and chemical contaminants that continually circulate within the building.
Depending on the application, we use UVC, UVV, or a combination of both wave lengths air purification systems to achieve the desired results.