Drum scrubbers with us meet the demands of a highly competitive industry while dry scrubbers from MyAire are of extreme high reliability and with a quality of workmanship.
Delivering our Air Purification System across Hotels, Airports, Hospitals, Industries, Commercial Buildings, and Basements with best functionality for filtering the air.
Energy | Environment | Sustainability PRODUCTS

Gas Phase Filtration
It is an advanced process by which volatile organic compounds (VOCs), bacteria, molds and fungus are destroyed by incorporating photon and ultraviolet (UV) energy activating a catalyst thereby creating the photo catalytic oxidation (PCO) process.

Ultra-Violet Irradiation (UVGI)
UV energy attacks the DNA of a living cell, penetrating the cell membrane, breaking the DNA structure of the micro-organism, inhibiting reproduction. UVC is effective in destroying biological contaminants and odors such as mold, bacteria..

Photo-Catalytic Oxidation (PCO)
Photo-Catalytic Oxidation (PCO) is a reaction that occurs when Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light rays. VOCs, gaseous contaminants, and odors gets converted to odorless, harmless water vapor and Carbon Dioxide..
because we believe that when the customer comes first, the customer lasts. . . . .